Date of the brginning of Ramadan 2024/1445 in Marocco


First of all, the month of Ramadan is one of five pillars on which the Moslem religion bases. To tell the truth, the fast of the month of Ramadan received so much merit for two important reasons:

The first one: it is about a secret and internal act which creatures cannot see, therefore, he is completely shielded from the duplicity.

The second: it is a means to overcome the enemy of God Allah, because the enemy uses desires as privileged instruments. Now, the desires strengthen to eat and to drink. So, since the earth of the desires is fertile, the devils frequent dedicatedly such a pasture. It is only one giving up the desires that we shall return their access of the most difficult.

For these reasons that we have just quoted, which the month of Ramadan takes the importance in the hearts of our brothers and Moslem sisters, through all the Arabic peninsula.

But in this article, we are going to be interested closer in the Moroccan population, and how she faces this month, which is Ramadan. For that purpose, we are asked to us the question which follows: how do we live the month of Ramadan in Morocco? Then to answer this question, we conducted our investigation and we had asked for the opinions of some Moroccan.
