Date end of Ramadan 2025/1446 - Eid El Fitr 2025/1446 in Belgium


The Islam is a very dominant religion in Belgium, because four hundred thousand Belgian inhabitants are Moslem. So, the sacred month of Ramadan, is a very important symbol, as regards the internal faith of each of these inhabitants.

This month of Ramadan 2025/1446 comes to an end in festivities, through the small party either Aïd El Fitr or Aïd El Saghir, contrary to the big party of the sheep which celebrates a few months later, after this one. Aïd El Fitr 2025/1446 will be celebrated the first day of the new month of Chawwal, month which follows the sacred month of Ramadan, in the lunar Muslim calendar.

The end of the month Ramadan 2025/1446 will be the opportunity for all the Moslem Belgians to gather in family, to persevere in the development of the internal faith. They gather, indeed, around tables furnished in good foods, creation of the good God Allah. It is indeed, the celebration of a month of sacrament, magnificence, the month of the revelation of the Holy Quran.
