Tahour is a religious singer from Morocco. He is endowed with an excellent voice, and with a great psalmody, which he shares with us by the religious songs.
Since his youngest age, Tahour dreamed to dominate or to make his steps in the Moroccan song. He thus decided to share his talents with the religious songs, the detriment of the common songs, which have a lesser commitment and a message of lesser importance.
Web sites, radios stations, religious broadcasts liked his productions, and spread it, by his agreement, for the benefit of the religious lovers.
Among his religious songs, we can quote, "Akhlasstou fi Ta3atika", "Allah Moulana", " Allahouma Sali 3ala moulana ", " Al Harm Ya Rassoul El Lah ", "Bissmi el Lah Bnit Qawli", " Salo 3ala El Hadi ", and others, all available on our site. They approach important subjects, and encourage the broadcasting of the Islam, and the certificate of faith.
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